29 research outputs found

    Human cognition of complex thought patterns

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    How much is our perception of the present determined by our experience of the past


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    Dieser Beitrag beschreibt einen Werkzeugkasten für die Ableitung von Web Services aus bestehenden COBOL Programmen auf dem IBM Mainframe. Das erste Werkzeug - COBAudit – dient dazu potentielle Web Services zu identifizieren. Das zweite Werkzeug -COBStrip – markiert den Programmpfad zum gewünschten Ergebnis und kommentiert den Rest des Codes aus. Das dritte Werkzeug - COBWrap – kapselt den ausgewählten Codebaustein und transformiert ihn in eine ausführbare Komponente. Das vierte Werkzeug – COBLink – verbindet die gekapselte Komponente mit dem Web über eine WSDL Schnittstelle. Die Werkzeuge werden zurzeit an einem großen Bausparsystem mit 12 Millionen COBOL Anweisungen erprobt. Der Beitrag beschreibt den Stand dieser Arbeit relativ zum allgemeinen State of the Art auf dem Gebiet

    Die Evolution einer Standardarchitektur für Betriebliche Informationssysteme

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    Echterhoff D, Grasmugg S, Mersch S, Mönckemeyer M, Spitta T, Wrede S. Die Evolution einer Standardarchitektur für Betriebliche Informationssysteme. In: Spitta T, Borchers J, Sneed HM, eds. Software-Management 2002. LNI. Vol P-23. Bonn: GI e.V.; 2002: 131-142.The paper outlines the history of a standard architecture for small and medium sized administrative systems. It has been developped 1985 in the Schering AG / Berlin, and applied in several firms over more than 15 years. Some of the about 150 applications, developped and maintained by more than 100 programmers, are still in operation. In 1999 a revision of the architecture and a new implementation in Java was started. The latest version is a four-level-architecture for distributed systems with a browser as user interface. Aside architectural considerations we discuss some of our design and implementation experiences with java

    Natural Language Processing

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    Abstract: Testing against natural language requirements is the standard approach for system and acceptance testing. This test is often performed by an independent test organization unfamiliar with the application area. The only things the testers have to go by are the written requirements. So it is essential to be able to analyze those requirements and to extract test cases from them. In this paper an automated approach to requirements based testing is presented and illustrated on an industrial application

    From Software Development to Software Assembly

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    The lack of skilled programming personnel and the growing burden of maintaining customized software are forcing organizations to quit producing their own software. It's high time they turned to ready-made, standard components to fulfill their business requirements. Cloud services might be one way to achieve that goal

    Cost-driven software migration: An experience report

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    Software migration projects are often bound either by time or cost or by both. If the project is bound by both time and cost, the user must sacrifice something else, usually the quality. The migration strategy depends on how the project is bound. Most migration projects are bound by time. The new system must be in operation by a given date, no matter what it costs. The project described here—a state employee payroll system—is bound by cost. It must remain within the budget, no matter how long it takes. The original costs were estimated based on the code size and the productivity measured in previous migration projects using three different approaches: conversion, redevelopment, and reimplementation. The conversion approach would have been the cheapest, but it had already been tried and failed. The redevelopment approach was considered to be out of the question due to the high costs. Thus, reimplementation remained as the only alternative. The costs of this approach were estimated using three different estimation methods and approved by the state government. The project has been in progress for 4 years, and until now, the estimated costs and actual costs are in the same order of magnitude: the costs have remained within budget. In fact, the costs are less than what was estimated with some methods. As this particular project is not bound by time, it is a good example of continuous migration

    Reverse engineering a visual age application

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    This paper is an industrial case study of how a VisualAge application system on an IBM mainframe was reverse engineered into a system reference repository. The starting point was the code fragments generated by the VisualAge interactive development tool. The results of the reverse engineering process were a use case documentation, a module documentation and a system reference repository. In these documents, the names of the data and functions were extended to be more understandable. The process was in the end fully automated and took three months to implement. The resulting documentation is now being used as a basis for re-implementing the system in Java